This is the home for the “So you want to learn…” project. This site contains a collection of open books text books that may be translated, used, and shared without any cost. Currently there are four projects: 1) BASIC256, 2) Python 3, 3) HTML5/CSS, and 4) Javascript.

So you Want to Learn to Program – BASIC-256 – Book Third edition of the BASIC-256 book. This book was originally written to teach middle (12-16 years old) school children how to program. It has expanded into a book that can be used at that early level through an introductory college course.

An Introduction to STEM Programming with Python 3 – Book 20 plus chapters to mix and match into the Python course you have always wanted to teach.

So You Want to Learn To Use HTML and CSS – Website design using the living standard. – Book Introduction to HTML and CSS – Closely follows the Living Standard with links to the real documentation on most pages.